
New Day

If you are viewing this blog, I will first say "I'm sorry, you probably have the wrong site" as this is most likely the reason you have stumbled upon this eclectic collection of random musings. However, in viewing that previous sentence, I am reminded of Strunk and White's ancient adage "Omit needless words." This of course leads me to remember that I am a horrendous writer, and should probably just say: I am not an extraordinary man, and this blog is a reflection of my mediocrity. That being said, I enjoy writing in its purist form and will grow to like it if I practice enough. That is where INW (Introspections of a Northwest Writer) comes in.

Hemingway said "When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen." Stephen King said "He who speaks without an attentive ear is mute." and I guess I say "If you ain't willing to shut your mouth, there's no point in opening it" This blog is a test of my skill as a writer, and my prowess at expressing myself. I relish candor and constructive criticism. I am constantly jumping from thought to thought, "How does that work?" "Can I build my own house?" "Did I leave the oven on?" Throughout your perusal of this blog keep in mind that it's a learning process for me as well.

Now, onto my final thoughts (this is the last paragraph, I swear) I tend to ramble (for which I apologize in advance,) I love the use of parentheses and hyphens (as you've probably already noticed,) and I cannot promise this blog will be frequently updated. As a full-time student, it can sometimes be hard to complete my required writing, let alone my extra-curricular writing. The chances are actually quite good that this site will soon become a "Ghost ship of the Internet," but I hope it will be good while it lasts.